
Personal Mentoring & Spiritual Counseling


Mentoring, as a process, has been developing organically when people have contacted me for help, healing and advice. Often this has required a longer relationship than one or two conversations to reach the desired results. Spiritual mentoring’s form and method is designed to specifically address individual needs, talents and desires for each person; however there are basic concepts and tools that are part of the mentoring process - these are:

THE MEDICINE WHEEL, The Spiritual Mandela of my Earth-Centered Practice.

EAST - Sacred Mind, the ability to think clearly and reason without contamination from old belief systems and stop fertilizing life stories that prevent healing of old wounds and freedom from learned patterns that inhibit choice. The intellect and the senses are in partnership. This can illuminate our life journey, fulfill our purpose, live our visions.

SOUTH - Love, the power of the undefended heart and living with genuineness. This requires growth, developing trustworthiness and an ability to love oneself and others, even the not so lovely or loving parts. Parts infers a division, apart, a separation. Included often our ‘parts’ become lovely and loving. This state of being is a foundation for deep affection and fosters an ability to live a life that is never finished, a life of passion, enthusiasm, and joy.

WEST - Soul, the cultivation of strengths, self awareness, responsiveness to personal needs and the needs of others. A fully developed person who lives a life of purpose, a soul destiny. This requires kindness, altruism, ethical behavior and attentiveness as well as sacrifice in service to moral obligation born of self-awareness by taking a longer view of life; of being your own mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and living with the knowledge that abandonment of self in not an option. Developing courage.

NORTH - The Body, creating form, a life that is lived by participating in work, home and relationship. Establishing boundaries and a disciplined spiritual practice, creating structure that holds your life with integrity, embodiment or incarnation of a life that is expressed by doing and is seen and felt by our earth relatives. The North is a synthesis of East, South and West into a pure form, an application of who you are with full attention to the manifested outcome, participating with joyous effort.

EXPLORING THE WORLD OF SPIRIT - the unseen spirit of physical life, the ancient ones that live beyond this atmosphere and those that travel unseen upon the Earth.

WORKING WITH YOUR SENSES - your emotions and your body.

CEREMONY AND RITUAL - personal and traditional.

READING AND WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS - I encourage use of a journal.

What I need for a session. Most of these sessions are long distance. A phone session is usually 60 to 90 minutes. Please contact me at or telephone, 575-538-5498 to arrange for a session or more information.

$75 due with each scheduled session.
There will be personal assignments and if it is indicated a scheduling of the next session.
You can pay through PayPal below

or mail payment in advance to:
Foundation for Gaian Studies
8 Pioneer Road
Silver City, NM88061


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Site designed by Megan Yalkut